New alliances: Agrovet Market Nicaragua

Posted on 12/02/2016

The launch of Agrovet Market Nicaragua was made official on February 12th. The event was held at the Hotel Hex Managua and featured a display of products and specialized lectures by the M.V. Joseph Tang, Vice Director of Animal Health in Agrovet Market Animal Health Peru. Agrovet Market is proud to extend new strategic partnerships involving the development and competitiveness of professional related to animal health and production to Central America, particularly in Nicaragua.

Two talks took place: "Weight gain with Organic Modifiers used in beef cattle" and "The cow in transition and its effect on the future campaign." The first talk reinforced the studies done by Modivitasan, Organic Modifier, and the second developed the wide range of solutions that Agrovet Market possesses for both dry cow Cefa-Sec®, just given birth Metri-Cef 3®, and management protocols for newborn calves Booster® RN.


We thank everyone for the high turnout rate during the event and congratulate our new partners for its success; moreover, we encourage further work on the consolidation and growth of Agrovet Market Animal Health in the region.

Isaac Chavarría, Gerente General Agrovet Market Nicaragua


Despliegue de productos Agrovet Market


José Tang MV
Sub Gerente de Sanidad Animal
Agrovet Market Animal Health Perú

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