Posted on 10/11/2022

The Agrovet Market Tour, an initiative that has been providing continuous training for 12 years on issues related to health, nutrition, management and reproduction for the livestock sector, ends its cycle of conferences this year.

This edition of the Agrovet Market Tour had a reach of more than 900 trained professionals from the livestock sector of the country and the region who were able to access the conferences via zoom and also join the lives on our fanpage.

Our keynote speeches developed throughout the months of October to November were given by renowned specialists of international stature such as: M.V. Carlos Javier Chaves (Arg), M.V. Esp. Carlos Margineda (Arg), MV. MsC Andrés Vera Cedeño (Ec); who shared the following topics: "Common mistakes in the management of bovine mastitis and how to prevent them", "Responding to the bovine respiratory complex" and "Precision reproductive programs in dairy cattle and dual purpose", respectively. The events held brought together veterinary doctors, zootechnical engineers and livestock technicians, who had the opportunity to update their knowledge and make inquiries to our speakers, through the platforms, in turn, those registered received a certificate of attendance.

We thank all the professionals who joined our broadcasts and were part of this edition of the Agrovet Market Tour. We reaffirm our commitment to you to continue providing updated training with the latest advances in the field.

We look forward to seeing you at our next edition of the Agrovet Market Tour in 2023. We invite you to follow us on our social networks and visit www.touragrovetmarket.com to keep up to date with our upcoming conferences.