Petmedica® and Peruvian Cats join forces for the development of feline medicine

Posted on 21/09/2023

Petmedica® had an important participation in the first Peruvian Feline Medicine congress of the year, Peruvian Cats, an event that seeks to improve the development of the practice of feline medicine among veterinary professionals in our country.

Peruvian Cats was held at the Hotel Meliá on 17, 18 and 19 September, becoming the meeting point for veterinarians, animal health professionals and students with a special interest in feline veterinary medicine, who received important specialised talks by prominent speakers and experienced professionals from Spain and abroad.

Petmedica®, as a key sponsor, stood out with its participation in the commercial area with its technical sales team, providing advice to attendees on the portfolio products developed for cats, such as nutritional products, antibiotics and antiparasitics.

Petmedica® also presented its most recent launch, a pipette for exclusive use in cats, Atrevia® Trio Cats Spot On, which is a topical ectoparasiticide with multiple action and quarterly dosage.

We thank the organisers for allowing us to be part of this event which aims at the continuous development and training of veterinarians, as well as the entire veterinary community who visited our stand.

We also reaffirm our commitment to continue growing with the same quality and confidence as always.

Join us as we relive our participation in the Peruvian Cats Feline Medicine Congress.