Research work

Diflovet® 10

Use of Injectable Difloxacin (Diflovet® 10) in the treatment of gastroenteric infections in young dogs in the area of Miraflores - Arequipa, November 2003 to March 2007

Research work


Detection of residues of a commercial antibiotic suspension based on Amoxicillin and Gentamicin (AMOXIGENTIN®) in cow's milk

Research work

Respibiotic® 48 Horas

Evaluation of the antimicrobial synergy of doxycycline and florfenicol against ATCC strains of Pasterurella Multocida, Mannheimia Haemolytica and Haemophilus Sommus.

Research work

Cefa-Milk® Forte

Evaluation of the efficiency and tolerance of an intramammary commercial infusion based of Cephalexin monohydrate, Gentamicin sulfate, Dexamethasone and Vitamin A (Cefa-Milk®Forte) in the treatment of intramammary infections in Holstein cattle

Research work

Metri-Cef 3®

Evaluation of Residuality in Milk of an Intrauterine Antibiotic Infusion based on Cephalexin, Neomycin, Cloxacillin and Vitamin A (Metricef 3®) in dairy cows of Pachacamac, Lima