
Hematofos B12®

Tolerance evaluation of an injectable solution based on Sodium Cacodylate, Vitamins B-Complex and Amino Acids (Hematofos B12®) Intramuscular route in Holstein Dairy Cows.


Alpamec® L.A.

Tolerance Evaluation of an Injectable Solution based on Camphor, Guayacol, Bromhexine and Eucalyptol (Alcanforvet - Alcanforado Plus) by Intramuscular route in Fattening Cattle.

Research work


Study of Reproductive Characteristics in Brown Swiss Cows Inseminated with Synchronized Heat Using Lutaprost® and Conceptase® - (Spanish)

Research work


Study of Reproductive Characteristics in Brown Swiss Cows Inseminated with Synchronized Heat Using Lutaprost® and Conceptase® (Spanish)

Research work

Triverfén® 22.2

Evaluation of the efficacy of Triverfen® 22.2 against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep.

Research work

Triverfén® 22.2

Evaluation of the efficacy of Triverfen® 22.2 against immature Fasciola hepatica in sheep.