Agrovet Market Consolidates its Position as Peru's Leading Exporter of Veterinary Products

Posted on 11/01/2024

According to ADEX's Global Economy and Business Research Centre (CIEN), in 2022, Peruvian exports of veterinary medicines will total US$ 30.8 million, an amount associated with a growth of 11.3% over the previous year1.

Of this figure, approximately half of the veterinary products exported from Peru were under the Agrovet Market brand. This is how the company has come to top the list of veterinary product exporters with almost five times the export value of the second-ranked company. CIEN highlights not only Agrovet Market's leadership but also the growth of its exports during the period 21/22 (17.4%)2.

Today, the international market represents the company's largest source of revenue, growing at a double-digit rate by 2023. The company's commitment to its Petmedica® line and its flagship product Atrevia®, has further consolidated the company's international presence; not only through its own offices, but also through its strategic partners on 4 continents.

This 2024, Agrovet Market celebrates 30 years leading the Peruvian veterinary industry, bringing innovative solutions to the world, and preparing for the new challenges that the company's further international growth will bring.



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