Booster® RN Terneros First Defense Line

Posted on 26/03/2015

lg G, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins and Energy

Agrovet Market Animal Health presents Booster® RN Terneros, supplement of colostrum, which helps to face new challenges and to better resist diseases proper of this stage. It contains a source of live ruminal organisms, producers of lactic acid (probiotics) and prebiotics that help in the adequate development of the intestinal environment. Additionally, it supplies bovine lgG, coming from bovine colostrum and natural antibodies of the egg. Its administration as first defense line immediately (after birth) supplies energy and strengthens the immune system of the newborn calf.

The transfer of immunoglobulins and nutrients through colostrum is important in the first hours after birth, as source of immunity for the calf, whose immunologic system is not completely developed yet. However, due to different factors, the ingestion of colostrum can be altered or else, it may not have the adequate quality. Additionally, the presence of neonatal diarrheas, multifactorial disease, is frequent at this age, with high mortality rate in severe cases.

Booster® RN Terneros increases the benefits of the ingestion of colostrum, performing as first defense line for the newborn. For more information visit:

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