Cefquinox® broad-spectrum antibiotic


Broad-spectrum antibiotic

Swine Cattle Injectable Suspension

Cefquinome sulphate 25 mg, excipients q.s. ad 1 mL.

For the treatment of bacterial infections caused by sensible Gram positive and Gram negative microrganisms. In cattle, for the treatment of respiratory diseases, digital drmatitis and acute mastitis caused by E. coli. In pigs, for the tratment of bacterial infections of the lungs and respiratory tract, Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia Syndrome (MMA) and meningitis in piglets.

Cattle: 2 mL/50 kg of b.w.; calves 4 mL/50 kg of b.w.; pigs and piglets: 2 mL/25 kg of b.w. Treatment every 24 hours for 3 to 5 days. Apply through intramuscular route.
Bottle x 100 mL , Bottle x 250 mL .

SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú: F.03.42.I.1673

This content is informative reference and should not be considered as prescriptions.

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